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In 1997, a bronze sculpture of the dancers was unveiled at the Riviera’s entrance along the Strip, commemorating the show’s 10th anniversary. It was created by sculptor Michael Conine over the course of nearly a year. Virtual Reality The National Organization for Women objected to the sculpture, deeming it sexually explicit. In response, Conine said, “Nudity has been in art since the beginning. Using the female nude in art is nothing new.” The sculpture became a popular tourist attraction, with visitors often rubbing the buttocks for good luck, wearing them down to a shine. Crazy Girls closed along with the Riviera in May 2015. The show and its sculpture were relocated to the Planet Hollywood resort on the Strip, where they remained until 2021.
The $20 million East Tower, with 300 rooms, was added in 1975. The 17-story project was designed by architect Martin Stern Jr., with interior work by Yates and Silverman of Los Angeles. This addition later became known as the Monte Carlo Tower.
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